Ludhiana Weather

The weather of Ludhiana is extreme, which is very hot during the summer season and very cold in the winter. The summer season is from Mid April to Mid July, the days are extremely hot during this period. During summer season June is the hottest month when the mercury rises to 45-46°C. The winter season expands from mid November to early March and the temperature varies from 18 °C to about 5°C. January is the coldest month of winter season with average minimum temperature of 5.8°C.

The weather of Ludhiana is pleasant during the months to October, November, December, January and February. Ludhina has a semi arid weather. Monsoon affects Ludhiana in the month of early July and extends till September. The southwest monsoon winds influences the weather of Ludhiana in the summer , while during the winter west and northwest winds affect the weather.

The total rainfall in a year is 600-700 cm. If we distribute this total rainfall throughout the year then 70% is received during July to September, 16% of the rainfall during the months of December to March and 14% can be distributed for the remaining months. During the monsoon season, the relative humidity is higher than the rest of the year. Summer is the driest season of the year.

The weather of Ludhiana is usually dry. Scorching hot dusty winds blow during summer season.

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