Shivaji College Cut off list 2022

The much awaited admission process to the Delhi University (DU) will begin on October 19. Shivaji College which is affiliated to the Delhi University offers both undergraduate and post-graduate courses. This premium institute offfers several courses in arts, humanities, science and commerce. Courses in Physical education, Sanskrit and computer science can also be pursued from this college.

Shivaji College Fifth Cut Off list 2019-20

Shivaji College Fifth Cut Offs 2019
5B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosed75ClosedClosedClosed72
5B.A. (Hons.) HistoryClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed80.5
5B.A. (Hons.) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed86.758386.5
5B.A. (Hons.) SanskritClosed5856555360
5B.A. (Hons.) Economics958880756386.5
5B.Com (Hons)Closed85.581756385.5
5B.A. (Hons.) GeographyClosedClosedClosed86.57082.75
5B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry91.66Closed82736583
5B.Sc (Hons) Bio-Chemistry9086817562Closed
5B.Sc (Hons) BotanyClosed84.33Closed745579
5B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed89.5Closed70.755583.5
5B.Sc (Hons) Physics92.6689.3381.33656586
5B.Sc (Hons) Zoology88.3385.33Closed755580.66
5B.Sc (Prog.) Life Science85.6681Closed696077
5B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry87.66ClosedClosedClosedClosed79
5B.A. (Hons.) English91.584Closed82.256885
5B.A Programme (English + Economics)ClosedClosed8079Closed80
5B.A Programme (Hindi + HistoryClosed81Closed757279
5B.A Programme (Hindi + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed757280
5B.A Programme (English + Sociology)Closed81.25Closed76Closed80
5B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed8371.66Closed6579
5B.A Programme (Economics + Political Science)Closed83Closed767281
5B.A Programme (Geography + History)Closed82.5ClosedClosed7281
5B.A Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosed7281
5B.A Programme (Economics + Geography)87ClosedClosedClosed7280
5B.A Programme (Hindi + Geography)ClosedClosedClosed757279
5B.A Programme (History + Political Science)Closed83Closed777281

Shivaji College Fourth Cut Off list 2019-20

Shivaji College Fourth Cut Offs 2019
4B.A. (Hons) EconomicsClosed8982786586.5
4B.A. (Hons) English9285Closed82.57086
4B.A. (Hons) GeographyClosedClosedClosed86.57082.75
4B.A. (Hons) HindiClosed77Closed666372
4B.A. (Hons) Sanskrit656057575560
4B.Com (Hons)Closed8682786585.5
4B.Sc (Hons) Bio-Chemistry9187827765Closed
4B.Sc (Hons) Botany8685Closed756279
4B.A. (Hons) Political ScienceClosedClosedClosed878486.5
4B.A. (Hons) HistoryClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed80.5
4B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry93Closed8375684
4B.Sc (Hons) MathematicsClosed9080716083.5
4B.Sc (Hons) Physics93.3390Closed686886.66
4B.Sc (Hons) Zoology9085.6682.66785881
4B.Sc (Life Sciences)868375.33706677.5
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed79
4B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed83.3372626779

Shivaji College Third Cut Off list 2019-20

Shivaji College Third Cut Offs 2019
3B.A (Hons) Economics95.259086807086.5
3B.A (Hons) EnglishClosed868483.57586.5
3B.A (Hons) GeographyClosed87.75Closed87.257582.75
3B.A (Hons) HistoryClosedClosed82.75ClosedClosed80.5
3B.A (Hons) Political ScienceClosed89.25Closed87.258586.5
3B.A (Hons) Sanskrit676260605561
3B.A (Hons) HindiClosed7876676572
3B.Com (Hons)94.758883807085.5
3B.Sc (Hons) Bio-Chemistry9288837868Closed
3B.Sc (Hons) Botany88.6688.6681806480
3B.Sc (Hons) ChemistryClosed90.6685807886.66
3B.Sc (Hons) PhysicsClosed9182.33707086.66
3B.Sc (Life Sciences)878476726878.5
3B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics92.7590.583726583.5
3B.Sc (Hons) Zoology918683806082
3B.Sc. Physical Science with ComputerClosed83.6675646879
3B.A Programme (English + Economics)Closed838180.5Closed80
3B.A Programme (Hindi + History85.58381.579.57980
3B.A Programme (Hindi + Geography)ClosedClosed81.7579.757980
3B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosed7260Closed79
3B.A Programme (English + Sociology)Closed83.580.5808080
3B.A Programme (Hindi + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosed79.57980
3B.A Programme (Economics + Geography)Closed85ClosedClosed8081
3B.A Programme (Geography + History)Closed84.5Closed80.58081
3B.A Programme (Geography + Political Science)ClosedClosedClosedClosed8081
3B.A Programme (Economics + Political Science)Closed85Closed80.58081
3B.A Programme (History + Political Science)Closed84.5Closed808081

Shivaji College Second Cut Off list 2019-20

Shivaji College Second Cut Offs 2019
2B.A (Hons) Economics95.759289857586.5
2B.A (Hons) Hindi817977707072
2B.A (Hons) History8983837574.580.5
2B.A (Hons) Political Science92.589.588.587.586.586.5
2B.Com (Hons)95.759085857586.5
2B.Sc (Hons) Bio-Chemistry9490858070Closed
2B.Sc (Hons) Botany908782826581
2B.A (Hons) English92.58885847886.5
2B.A (Hons) Geography91.7588Closed87.57882.75
2B.A (Hons) Sanskrit686562625961.5
2B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry93.669186828086.66
2B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics939187767083.75
2B.Sc (Hons) Physics93.6691.6683758086.66
2B.Sc (Hons) Zoology928784826584.33
2B.Sc (Life Sciences)888679757079.33
2B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosed85.3375657079
2B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer878478657079

Shivaji College First Cut Off list 2019-20

Shivaji College Cut Offs 2019
1B.A (Hons) Economics969491898089
1B.A (Hons) Hindi838179757575
1B.A (Hons) Political Science939089888787
1B.A (Hons) Sanskrit707865656063
1B.A (Hons) Geography928987888283
1B.Com (Hons)979287878089
1B.A (Hons) English939090898287
1B.A (Hons) History908484787581
1B.A Programme (History + Political Science)888684838383
1B.Sc (Hons) Mathematics969390807587
1B.Sc (Hons) Physics949288828287
1B.Sc (Hons) Zoology948985856885
1B.Sc (Life Sciences)908881807581
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Chemistry888680727580
1B.Sc. Physical Science with Computer888580707580
1B.Sc (Hons) Botany928985856983
1B.Sc (Hons) Chemistry949288858387
1B.Sc (Hons) Bio-Chemistry969290858587
1B.A Programme (Geography + History)888684838383
1B.A Programme (Geography + Political)888684838383
1B.A Programme (Economics + Political)888684838383
1B.A Programme (Economics + Geography)888684838383
1B.A Programme (English + Economics)878583828282
1B.A Programme (English + Sociology)878583828282
1B.A Programme (Hindi + Geography)878583828282
1B.A Programme (Hindi + History)878583828282
1B.A Programme (Hindi + Political Science)878583828282

Shivaji College Fifth Cut Off list 2018-19

Sl.No.CourseGEN %OBC%SC%ST%PwD%KM%
1B.A (H) EconomicsClosed85.578686084.5
2B.A (H) English9083.5ClosedClosedClosed80
3B.A (H) GeographyClosed86.585Closed68.580
4B.A (H) HindiClosed73Closed65Closed69
5B.A (H) History85.580ClosedClosed7075.5
6B.A (H) Political ScienceClosed88.586.2583.5Closed80.75
7B.A (H) SanskritClosed56Closed484950
8B.A ProgrammeClosed78Closed706974
10B.Com (H)93.58378706083.5
11B.Sc (H) Bio-ChemistryClosed8681757582
12B.Sc (H) Botany 88.6684ClosedClosed5578.66
13B.Sc (H) ChemistryClosed89.6678707082.66
14B.Sc (H) Mathematics92Closed79Closed5682
15B.Sc (H) PhysicsClosedClosed82.66726883
16B.Sc (H) Zoology89.33Closed81.33Closed5579.33
17B.Sc.(Life Science)Closed8073655576.66
18B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosedClosed76685577
19B.Sc.Physical Science with ComputerClosed8272645576

Shivaji College Fourth Cut Off list 2018-19

Sl.No.CourseGEN %OBC%SC%ST%PwD%KM%
1B.A (H) EconomicsClosed8780726984.5
2B.A (H) English9184Closed77Closed81
3B.A (H) GeographyClosedClosed85.5Closed69.580
4B.A (H) HindiClosed75.5Closed70Closed69
5B.A (H) History86.581.5807572.576.5
6B.A (H) Political Science90.758986.584Closed80.75
7B.A (H) SanskritClosed56.5Closed4949.550
8B.A Programme848080757174
10B.Com (H)948480756584
11B.Sc (H) Bio-ChemistryClosed8782807982
12B.Sc (H) Botany Closed84.3379.33735979.33
13B.Sc (H) Chemistry92.66Closed79747482.66
14B.Sc (H) MathematicsClosedClosedClosedClosed5982.5
15B.Sc (H) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed737083
16B.Sc (H) Zoology90ClosedClosedClosed5980
17B.Sc.(Life Science)86.6681.3375695976.66
18B.Sc. Physical Science with ChemistryClosed84.3377725977
19B.Sc.Physical Science with ComputerClosed8375685976

Shivaji College Third Cut Off list 2018-19

Sl.No.CourseGEN %OBC%SC%ST%PwD%KM%
1B.A (H) Economics94.58882757070
2B.A (H) EnglishClosed8581807070
3B.A (H) Geography9087.586867070
4B.A (H) Hindi79777572Closed65
5B.A (H) HistoryClosed82.580.5777370
6B.A (H) Political Science91Closed8785Closed70
7B.A (H) Sanskrit605755505050
8B.A Programme84.58181787373
10B.Com (H)94.58784777575
11B.Sc (H) Bio-Chemistry928883838072
12B.Sc (H) Botany 89.3385Closed7560Closed
13B.Sc (H) ChemistryClosed9080757575
14B.Sc (H) Mathematics92.588.580676060
15B.Sc (H) PhysicsClosed89.6683757575
16B.Sc (H) Zoology9185827560Closed
17B.Sc.(Life Science)87.338377726060
18B.Sc. Physical Science with chemistryClosedClosed78766060
19B.Sc.Physical Science with computerClosed8478706060

Shivaji College Second Cut Off list 2018-19

S.No.CourseGEN %OBC%SC%ST%PwD%KM%Room No.Remarks
1B.Com. (Hons.)95.5 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)90 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)86 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)80 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)80 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)80 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)Computer Lab - lV1 % relaxation for girls
2B.Com. 94.59085808080Computer Lab - lV1 % relaxation for girls
3B.A. (H) Economics95.75 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)92 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)90 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)88 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)88 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)88 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)Vice principal Room1 % relaxation for girls
4B.A. (H) English928783837575English staff room1 % relaxation for girls
5B.A. (H) Geography90.58887877575Room No. 214 (ll nd floor)1 % relaxation for girls
6B.A. (H) Political Science928988877575Computer room (Near staff room)1 % relaxation for girls
7B.A. (H) History8783.581.5797575Vice principal Room1 % relaxation for girls
8B.A. Prog.858282807575Computer Lab - lll1 % relaxation for girls & 1% advantage
9B.A. (H) Hindi828078767070Zoology staff room1 % relaxation for girls
10B.A. (H) Sanskrit575755505050Physics satff room1 % relaxation for girls
11B.Sc. (H) Mathematics90 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)93 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)84 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)72 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)65 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)65 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)Computer Lab - ll1 % relaxation for girls
12B.Sc. (H) Bio-Chemistry90 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths94 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths88 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths88 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths87 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths74 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / MathsBiochemistry Lab1 % relaxation for girls
13B.Sc. (H) Physics91 PCM93 PCM85 PCM82 PCM82 PCM82 PCMPhysics satff room1 % relaxation for girls
14B.Sc. (H) Chemistry91 PCM93 PCM85 PCM82 PCM82 PCM82 PCMChemistry staff room1 % relaxation for girls
15B.Sc. (H) Zoology88 PCB / BT90 PCB / BT84 PCB / BT84 PCB / BT65 PCB / BTClosedZoology staff room1 % relaxation for girls
16B.Sc. (H) Botany87 PCB / BT90 PCB / BT80 PCB / BT80 PCB / BT65 PCB / BTClosedBotany staff room1 % relaxation for girls
17B.Sc. Applied physical science (with computer science)85 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP86 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP80 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP75 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP75 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP75 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IPComputer Lab - l (1st floor)1 % relaxation for girls
18B.Sc. Physical science (with chemistry)84.68 PCM85 PCM81 PCM79 PCM75 PCM75 PCMChemistry staff room1 % relaxation for girls
19B.Sc. Life sciences85 PCB / BT88 PCB / BT79 PCB / BT79 PCB / BT70 PCB / BT70 PCB / BTBotany staff room1 % relaxation for girls

Shivaji College First Cut Off list 2018-19

S.No.CoursesGeneralOBCSCSTPWDKMRoom No.Remarks
1B.Com. (Hons.)98 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)93 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)90 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)88 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)88 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)88 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)Computer Lab - lV1 % relaxation for girls
2B.Com. 969188868686Computer Lab - lV1 % relaxation for girls
3B.A. (H) Economics97 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)95 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)92 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)90 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)90 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)90 (Must have passed Mathematics in class Xll)Vice principal Room1 % relaxation for girls
4B.A. (H) English949191908888English staff room1 % relaxation for girls
5B.A. (H) Geography929189898888Room No. 214 (ll nd floor)1 % relaxation for girls
6B.A. (H) Political Science939089888787Computer room (Near staff room)1 % relaxation for girls
7B.A. (H) History888583818080Vice principal Room1 % relaxation for girls
8B.A. Prog.888684838383Computer Lab - lll1 % relaxation for girls & 1% advantage
9B.A. (H) Hindi848280797979Zoology staff room1 % relaxation for girls
10B.A. (H) Sanskrit605755505050Physics satff room1 % relaxation for girls
11B.Sc. (H) Mathematics97 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)93 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)90 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)80 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)80 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)80 in best four including one language & Mathematics (Must have secured 50% marks in Mathematics)Computer Lab - ll1 % relaxation for girls
12B.Sc. (H) Bio-Chemistry96 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths94 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths92 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths91 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths91 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / Maths74 Bio/ BT, Chem & Phy / MathsBiochemistry Lab1 % relaxation for girls
13B.Sc. (H) Physics95 PCM93 PCM90 PCM87 PCM87 PCM87 PCMPhysics satff room1 % relaxation for girls
14B.Sc. (H) Chemistry95 PCM93 PCM90 PCM87 PCM87 PCM87 PCMChemistry staff room1 % relaxation for girls
15B.Sc. (H) Zoology95 PCB / BT90 PCB / BT86 PCB / BT86 PCB / BT70 PCB / BT70 PCB / BTZoology staff room1 % relaxation for girls
16B.Sc. (H) Botany93 PCB / BT90 PCB / BT86 PCB / BT86 PCB / BT70 PCB / BT70 PCB / BTBotany staff room1 % relaxation for girls
17B.Sc. Applied physical science (with computer science)88 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP86 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP82 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP80 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP80 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IP80 Phy, Maths, Chem, Comp. Sc. / IPComputer Lab - l (1st floor)1 % relaxation for girls
18B.Sc. Physical science (with chemistry)88 PCM85 PCM82 PCM80 PCM80 PCM80 PCMChemistry staff room1 % relaxation for girls
19B.Sc. Life sciences91 PCB / BT88 PCB / BT82 PCB / BT81 PCB / BT75 PCB / BT75 PCB / BTBotany staff room1 % relaxation for girls

Shivaji College Fourth Cut Off list for Admission 2017-18

Course Name% GEN% OBC% SC% ST% PWD% KMRemark
B.A. (Hons.) Economics93.58780707070 
B.A. (Hons.) English918480786565 
B.A. (Hons.) Geography90.58685Closed7070subjects with a deduction of 2%
B.A. (Hons.) HindiClosed7576.56568681% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) HistoryAgainst CancellationAgainst CancellationClosed77.575751% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Political Science908785.58080801% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) SanskritClosedClosedClosed4545451% relaxation for Girls
B.A. Programme8478797070701% relaxation for Girls
B.Com.9287827474741% relaxation for Girls
B.Com. (Hons.)93.2588857676761% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry91.3387837575751% relaxation for Girls, 5% Disadvantage for change of Stream
B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyAgainst Cancellation8380757575 
B.SC. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosed80757575 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics91.5ClosedClosed7474741% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsAgainst Cancellation89.66827370701% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology8985827575751% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Life Sciences8680Closed6666661% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Physical Sciences with Chemistry86.3384.33766868681% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Physical Sciences with Computer ScienceClosed81.66746868681% relaxation for Girls

Shivaji College Third Cut Off list for Admission 2017-18

Course NameGEN% OBC% SC% ST% PWD% KMRemark
B.A. (Hons.) Economics94.590857575751% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) English9287838478781% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Geography9187.586.5Closed81811% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Hindi79.576777070701% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) History86.7583837877771% relaxation for Girls, Admission Against Cancellation under SC Category
B.A. (Hons.) Political Science90.758886.58585851% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) SanskritClosed52504545451% relaxation for Girls
B.A. Programme8579807575751% relaxation for Girls, 5% Disadvantage for change of Stream
B.Com.9390858181811% relaxation for Girls
B.Com. (Hons.)94.591.5888484841% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry9389868080801% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany8885837878781% relaxation for Girls
B.SC. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosed847878781% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics9289807575751% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics92.3390837575751% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology9188868080801% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Life Sciences8783757070701% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Physical Sciences with ChemistryClosed85797070701% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Physical Sciences with Computer Science8482767070701% relaxation for Girls

Shivaji College Second Cut Off list for Admission 2017-18

Course Name% Gen% OBC% SC% ST% PWD% KMRemark
B.A. (Hons.) Economics9693918888881% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) English9491898686861% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Geography92.589.587.584.584.584.51% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Hindi8178787575751% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) History8784838080801% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Political Science9189878686861% relaxation for Girls
B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit5754514848481% relaxation for Girls
B.A. Programme8783838080801% relaxation for Girls
B.Com.9592908787871% relaxation for Girls
B.Com. (Hons.)96.593.591.588.588.588.51% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry9491898686861% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany9088858282821% relaxation for Girls
B.SC. (Hons.) Chemistry9289878484841% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics9491858282821% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics93.3390.3388.3385.3385.3385.331% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology9390888585851% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Life Sciences8885787575751% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Physical Sciences with Chemistry8785827575751% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Physical Sciences with Computer Science8684807575751% relaxation for Girls

Shivaji College First Cut Off list for Admission 2017-18

Course Name% Gen% OBC% SC% ST% PWD% KMRemarks
B.A. (Hons.) Economics9895.593.592.592.592.51% relaxation for girls
B.A. (Hons.) English9694929292921% relaxation for girls
B.A. (Hons.) Geography93.591.589.589.589.589.51% relaxation for girls
B.A. (Hons.) Hindi8482807979791% relaxation for girls
B.A. (Hons.) History8886848383831% relaxation for girls
B.A. (Hons.) Political Science9290888787871% relaxation for girls
B.A. (Hons.) Sanskrit5755515050501% relaxation for girls
B.A. Programme888684838383 
B.Com. (Hons.)9895.593.592.592.592.5 
B.Sc. (Hons.) Biochemistry9694929191911% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany9391898888881% relaxation for Girls
B.SC. (Hons.) Chemistry9593919090901% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics9795939292921% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics9695929191911% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology9592908989891% relaxation for Girls
B.Sc. Life Sciences9188828181811% relaxation for Girls

*Download DU Shivaji College First Cut Off list for Admission 2017-18


Shivaji College Fourth Cut off List 2016-17

*Download DU Shivaji College Fourth Cut Off List 2016-17

Shivaji College Second Cut off List 2016-17

*Download DU Shivaji College Second Cut Off List 2016-17

Shivaji College First Cut off List 2016-17

Shivaji College Twelfth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)ClosedClosedClosed50%45%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) EconomicsClosed80.5%Closed50%45%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosedClosed80%68%Closed3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) GeographyClosedClosedClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosedClosedClosed3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosed73%ClosedClosedClosed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed81%ClosedClosedClosed3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) SanskritClosedClosedClosed45%45%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.93.25%ClosedClosed53%40%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)Closed79%Closed55%45%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry87% (Admission against Cacellation)ClosedClosed55%45%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed80%ClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosedClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosedClosed45%45%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed55%45%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosedClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)Closed71%55%45%45%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)Closed73%58%45%45%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life Sciences82%ClosedClosed45%45%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Twelfth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Eleventh Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)80.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)Closed73%54%45%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics95.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)81%67%55%45%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosedClosedClosed69%Closed3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90% (Admission against Cancel- lation)ClosedClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed45%45%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosed75%76%66%Closed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed82%ClosedClosedClosed3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50% (Admission against Cancel- lation)ClosedClosed45%45%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.ClosedClosedClosed58%45%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)95.75% (Admission against Cancel- lation)80.5%76.5%64%45%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry87%78%Closed55%45%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed80%ClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosed75%55%45%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed72%50%45%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed55%45%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology89.66% (Admission against Cacellation)ClosedClosedClosed45%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)81%74%60%45%45%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)81%75%60%45%45%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life Sciences82.66% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed67%50%45%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Eleventh Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Tenth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)80.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)65% (Admission against Cancel- lation)74%56%50%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics95.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)82% (Admission against Cancel- lation)70%58%50%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed77%Closed71%50%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90% (Admission against Cancel- lation)82%80%Closed50%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed48%48%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosed76%77%67%Closed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed82%ClosedClosedClosed3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50% (Admission against Cancel- lation)ClosedClosed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.ClosedClosedClosed60%50%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)95.75% (Admission against Cancel- lation)81%77% (Admission against Cancel- lation)67%50%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry89% (Admission against Cacellation)79%68%55%50%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed81%ClosedClosed50%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosed76%55%50%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed76%58%50%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics91% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed76%55%50%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosedClosedClosed50%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)83%77%65%55%50%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)82%76%62%50%50%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life Sciences82.66%74%70% (Admission against Cacellation)55%50%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Tenth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Ninth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)80.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)65%Closed58%55%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics95.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)82% (Admission against Cancel- lation)74%65%55%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed78%81%74%55%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90% (Admission against Cancel- lation)83%84%Closed50%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosedClosedClosed52%50%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosed77%Closed70%Closed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed83%ClosedClosedClosed3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50% (Admission against Cancel- lation)ClosedClosed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.93.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)81.5%Closed68%60%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)95.75% (Admission against Cancel- lation)82%77%70%60%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry89% (Admission against Cacellation)80% (Admission against Cacellation)71% (Admission against Cacellation)60%55%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed83%74% (Admission against Cacellation)60%55%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry91.33%Closed79%60%55%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed78%60%55%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics91%Closed78%60%55%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology89.66% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed76%60%55%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)84.33% (Admission against Cacellation)79%68%60%55%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)83%77% (Admission against Cacellation)63%55%55%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life SciencesClosed76%70%60%55%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Ninth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Eighth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)80.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)68%Closed62%60%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics95.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)Closed77%73%60%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed81%82%77%60%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90% (Admission against Cancel- lation)84.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)85%Closed60%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosed72%Closed55%55%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosed79%Closed72%Closed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed84% (Admission against Cancel- lation)Closed78%70%3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50% (Admission against Cancel- lation)ClosedClosed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.93.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)83%Closed73%65%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)95.75% (Admission against Cancel- lation)84%79%74%73%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry89% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed71%70%60%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed84% (Admission against Cacellation)74%70%60%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry91.66%Closed81%70%60%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed80.0%70%60%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics92%Closed80%65%60%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology90%Closed77%70%60%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)84.33% (Admission against Cacellation)80% (Admission against Cacellation)70%63%60%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.) 83% (Admission against Cacellation)77% (Admission against Cacellation)65%60%60%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life SciencesClosed77%71%63%60%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Eighth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Seventh Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)80.5%70%75%66%67%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics95.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)82%80%78%65%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed83%83% (Admission against Cancel- lation)80%74%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90% (Admission against Cancel- lation)84.5%ClosedClosed65%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosed72.5%Closed60%60%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosed80% (Admission against Cancel- lation)Closed74%Closed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed84%Closed79%70%3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50% (Admission against Cancel- lation)48%Closed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.93.5%84%78%75%70%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)95.75% (Admission against Cancel- lation)85%80%77%77%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry 89% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed74%74%70%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed 84% (Admission against Cacellation)77%73%70%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed74%70%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed82%76%70%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics92.66% (Admission against Cacellation)90% (Admission against Cacellation)81%70%65%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology90% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed80%75%70%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)84.33% 80% (Admission against Cacellation)72%66%65%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.) 84% (Admission against Cacellation)77% (Admission against Cacellation)68%64%64%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life SciencesClosed 78% (Admission against Cacellation)72.33%66%65%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

Shivaji College Sixth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.)81%72%75.5%68%70%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics96% (Admission against Cancel- lation)84%82%81%70%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed84%83.5% (Admission against Cancel- lation)81%75%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90.0%85%ClosedClosed68%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosed73%Closed62%62%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosedClosedClosed74.5%Closed3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed85%Closed80%72%3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50% (Admission against Cancel- lation)48%Closed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.94% (Admission against Cancel- lation)85%80%78%73%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)96% (Admission against Cancel- lation)86%81%79%79%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry 89% (Admission against Cacellation)80%76%76%73%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosed 84% (Admission against Cacellation)79%75%73%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed76%73%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed83%78%73%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) PhysicsClosedClosedClosed72%68%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosed81%76%73%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.) 85% (Admission against Cacellation) 80% (Admission against Cacellation)73%68%68%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)Closed77%70%67%68%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life SciencesClosed 78% (Admission against Cacellation)73%68%68%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Sixth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Fifth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.) 82% (Admission against Cacellation)75%76.0%70%70%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics96%86%84%83%75%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed86%83.5%82%75%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography90.5%87%ClosedClosed70%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosed74%Closed65%65%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosedClosedClosed75.5%65%3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed85.5%Closed81%75%3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) SanskritClosed48%Closed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.94%86%82%80%75%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)96.0%87%83%81%81%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry 89% (Admission against Cacellation)81%78%78%75%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosedClosed80%76%75%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosedClosedClosed78%75%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed84%80%75%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics 92.66% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed81%74%70%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosed81%77%75%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.) 85% (Admission against Cacellation)80%73.66%70%70%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)Closed78%73%70%70%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life SciencesClosedClosed73.66%70%70% 
52B.Sc. Life Sciences      
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Fifth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Fourth Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWDRemarks
1B.A. (Prog.) 82% (Admission against Cacellation)77%76.5%72%74%3% relaxation for girls
 B.A. (Prog.) with Sanskrit Combination      
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics 96% (Admission against Cacellation)88%86%86%80%3% relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) EnglishClosed88%84%83%80%3% relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography91.5%88%ClosedClosed75%3% relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) HindiClosed75%Closed69%69%3% relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) HistoryClosedClosedClosed76%68%3% relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political ScienceClosed86%Closed81%80%3% relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) SanskritClosed48%Closed46%46%3% relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.94.5%87.0%84.0%83%78%3% relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)96.5%88%85%84%84%3% relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry 89% (Admission against Cacellation)83%80%80%78%3% relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) BotanyClosedClosed82%79%78%3% relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry 93% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed83%80%78%3% relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Gen.) Mathematical Science      
41B.Sc. (Hons.) MathematicsClosedClosed85.0%82%78%3% relaxation for girls
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics 93% (Admission against Cacellation)Closed81%78%78%3% relaxation for girls
45B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
46B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
47B.Sc. (Hons.) ZoologyClosedClosed82%80%78%3% relaxation for girls
48B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Industrial Chemistry)      
49B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.) 85% (Admission against Cacellation)80%74%73%73%3% relaxation for girls
50B.Sc. Applied Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)Closed79%76%75%72%3% relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
52B.Sc. Life Sciences 83% (Admission against Cacellation)78%74%73%73%3% relaxation for girls
53B.Sc. Physical Sciences       
54B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences      
55B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Fourth Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Third Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWD %Remarks
1B.A. Program 82%79.00%77.00%75.00%75.00%3% Relaxation for girls
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) Economics Closed90.00%88.00%88.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) English 91%89.00%85.00%85.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography92%(Admission against Cancel- lation)89.00%86.00%Closed80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) Hindi 78%75.00%74.00%70.00%70.00%3% Relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) History Closed80.00%79.00%78.00%70.00%3% Relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political Science Closed86.00%Closed82.00%82.00%3% Relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit Closed48.00%Closed46.00%46.00%3% Relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.95%(Admission against Cancel- lation)88.00%88.00%87.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.) Closed89.00%89.00%88.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry 89%85.00%84.00%83.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany 88%84.00%83.00%80.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry93(Admission against Cancel- lation)Closed84.00%82.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics 92%88.00%85.00%83.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
41B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics 93%90.00%82.00%80.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
45B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
46B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology Closed84.00%83.00%82.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
47B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
48B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.) Closed81.00%75.00%75.00%75.00%3% Relaxation for girls
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)84.00%80.00%78.00%78.00%75.00%3% Relaxation for girls
49B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
50B.Sc. Life Sciences 83%78.00%75.00%75.00%75.00%3% Relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Physical Sciences      
52B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Third Cut Off List 2015-16

Shivaji College Second Cut off List 2015-16

S.No.CoursesGeneral %OBC %SC %ST %PWD %Remarks
1B.A. Program85.00%82.00%80.00%80.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
2B.A. (Vocational Studies)      
3B.A.(Hons.) Applied Psychology      
4B.A.(Hons.) Arabic      
5B.A.(Hons.) Bengali      
6B.A.(Hons.) EconomicsClosed92.00%90.00%90.00%90.00%3% Relaxation for girls
7B.A.(Hons.) English94.00%92.00%90.00%90.00%90.00%3% Relaxation for girls
8B.A.(Hons.) French      
9B.A.(Hons.) German      
10B.A.(Hons.) Spanish      
11B.A.(Hons.) Italian      
12B.A.(Hons.) Geography92.00%90.00%87.00%89.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
13B.A.(Hons.) Journalism      
14B.A.(Hons.) Hindi80.00%78.00%76.00%76.00%75.00%3% Relaxation for girls
15B.A.(Hons.) History84.00%82.00%80.00%80.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
16B.A.(Hons.) Hindi Patrakarita      
17B.A.(Hons.) Persian      
18B.A.(Hons.) Philosophy      
19B.A.(Hons.) Political Science89.00%86.00%84.00%84.00%84.00%3% Relaxation for girls
20B.A.(Hons.) Psychology      
21B.A.(Hons.) Punjabi      
22B.A.(Hons.) Sanskrit50.00%48.00%46.00%46.00%46.00%3% Relaxation for girls
23B.A.(Hons.) Sociology      
24B.A.(Hons.) Social Work      
25B.A.(Hons.) Urdu      
26B.Com.95.00%90.00%90.00%90.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
27B.Com. (Hons.)96.75%91.00%91.00%91.00%86.00%3% Relaxation for girls
28B.Sc.(Hons.) Anthropology      
29B.Sc. (Hons.) Biological Science      
30B.Sc. (Hons.) Bio-Chemistry91.00%90.00%89.00%88.00%87.00%3% Relaxation for girls
31B.Sc. (Hons.) Biomedical Science      
32B.Sc. (Hons.) Botany89.00%86.00%86.00%85.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
33B.Sc. (Hons.) ChemistryClosed89.00%87.00%87.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
34B.Sc. (Hons.) Computer Science      
35B.Sc. (Hons.) Electronics      
36B.Sc. (Hons.) Food Technology      
37B.Sc. (Hons.) Geology      
38B.Sc. (Hons.) Home Science      
39B.Sc. (Hons.) Instrumentation      
40B.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics95.00%92.00%91.00%91.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
41B.Sc. (Hons.) Micro Biology      
42B.Sc. (Hons.) Polymer Science      
43B.Sc. (Hons.) Physics94.00%91.00%88.00%88.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
44B.Sc. (Hons.) Statistics      
45B.Sc. (Gen.) Math. Sciences      
46B.Sc. (Hons.) Zoology90.00%88.00%87.00%87.00%85.00%3% Relaxation for girls
47B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (Analytical Chem. & Bio-Chem.)      
48B.Sc. Phy. Sci. (With . Chem.)85.00%82.00%80.00%80.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
 B.Sc. App. Phy. Sci. (With . Computer Science.)85.00%83.00%81.00%81.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
49B.Sc. Applied Life Sciences      
50B.Sc. Life Sciences84.00%82.00%80.00%80.00%80.00%3% Relaxation for girls
51B.Sc. Physical Sciences      
52B.Sc. (Pass) Home Sciences     

*Download DU Shivaji College Second Cut Off List 2015-16

*Download DU Shivaji College First Cut Off List 2015-16

Last Updated on : October 27, 2022

Colleges wise DU Cutoff 2021

Acharya Narendra Dev CollegeZakir Husain Delhi College Ramanujan College
Aditi Mahavidyalaya Janaki Devi Memorial College Ramjas College
Aryabhatta College(Ram Lal Anand Evening College) Kalindi College Satyawati College
Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College Kamala Nehru College Shaheed Bhagat Singh College
Bhagini Nivedita College Keshav Mahavidyalaya Shaheed Rajguru college of Applied Science for Women
Bharati College Kirorimal College Shaheed Sukhdev college of Business Studies
Bhaskaracharya College Lady Irwin college Shivaji College
Bhim Rao Ambedkar College Lady Shri Ram College For Women Shri Guru Nanak Dev Khalsa College
Daulat Ram College Maharaja Agrasen College Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Khalsa College
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College Maitreyi College Shri Ram College of Commerce
Delhi College of Arts & Commerce Mata Sundri college for Women Shyam Lal College
Deshbandhu College Miranda House College Shyama Prasad Mukherji College
Dyal Singh College Motilal Nehru College Sri Aurobindo College
Gargi College PGDAV College Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of Commerce
Hans Raj College Rajdhani College Vivekananda College
Hindu College Ram Lal Anand College Institute of Home Economics
Indraprastha for Women College College of Vocational Studies Swami Shraddhanand College
Lakshmibai College Sri Venkateswara CollegeZakir Husain Delhi College