A sub-division of Raipur district, Baloda Bazar is one of the notable cities of Chhattisgarh. Inhabited by a total of 149, 109 people (2001 census), the city of Baloda Bazar possesses 30, 912 number of households. The literacy rate of Baloda Bazar is 65.4% whereas the sex ratio of the city is 960 females for every 1000 males.
The city of Baloda Bazar is populated by several tribal sects from a very long time. The government estimate of the city in the year of 2001 states that there are a total of 28, 672 Scheduled Castes and, 18, 459 Scheduled Tribes wit5hin its geographical premises. The agro-climatic conditions of Baloda Bazar is one of the prime reasons behind the dense habitation of the city.
It is believed that having a rich historical background, the city of Baloda Bazar can offer hordes of tourism opportunities. Due to lack of proper infrastructure, the city has not been able to come in the forefront of Chhattisgarh state. The adjoining places of interest that captures the imagination of those visiting the Raipur district comprises of Turturiya, Shirpur, Rajim and Champaran all of which boasts of a distinguished historical saga.
Baloda Bazar with its economic and social viability stands tall on the contours of Raipur district in the state of Chhattisgarh.
Last Updated on : 29th March 2013