Katghora is a city in the district of Korba of Chhattisgarh state. It acquires a distinct position of being a Nagar Panchayat. As per the census of 2001, the city has a total population of 18534. The total population has 9,499 males and 9,035 females. Male population comprises of 51% of the total population and 49% of females. The average elevation of Katghora is 311 meters. It lies between Latitude of 22° 30' 0 North and Longitude of 82° 32' 60 East.
Some of the cities and towns close to Katghora are Chaitma (7.6 nm) on the West, Nagai (13.6 nm), Matin (15.4 nm) and Jilda (10.6 nm) on the North, Chhuri (2.8 nm) on its East and Bhelai (11.3 nm) on the South. Some of places of interest near Katghora city are Amarkantaka and Taalagaon.
Last Updated on : 29th March 2013